Monday, February 28, 2011

Betta Fish Breeding

      Remember two weeks ago we put the male beta and female beta together for the purpose Betta Fish Breeding. First we put the male in a five gal tank and wait a couple of days and when he starts making a bubble nest we add the female beta. He will start to chase her around the tank and when the time is right the female will let the male coach her under the nest and the male wraps around the female and as they drift toward the bottom of tank the male squeezes the eggs out of the female and then picks them up and blows them into the bubble nest. When the female is done laying eggs, she should be taken out of the tank, the male will take care of the eggs until all the eggs hatch within 36 hours. The male should be taken out after the eggs start hatching or he could run himself to death trying to keep all the eggs and fry in the nest. The fry are very small and should be fed small foods for at least 3 weeks. A trick I learned is to put small bits of baby fry food in a bit of water in a cup, mix thoroughly and pour into tank the particles sink and the fry can eat it better.
      while doing Betta Fish Breeding keep a close watch and don't let the male kill the female and don't let the male over work himself trying to take care of the fry. Both can be lost real easy by not paying enough attention at the time of breeding which in most cases is less than a three day period once you put the female in the tank. Make sure the female is a little plump before trying to mate.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Betta Splendens

Betta Splendens, official name but better known as Betta fish or Siamese fighting fish, they get that name because the males will actually fight to the death if put in a tank with each other. The Betta Fish can be easily bred if you keep a close eye on whats going on in the breeding tank. Here is the way I did it and it worked fine for me. First I set up a five gal tank with water half from tank fish was in and half clean water. Let it set for a day then add the male Betta. Let a couple of days go by in the mean while be feed the male and female live foods or frozen food to condition them for a rough time ahead.
I used a glass from an old oil lamp which was perfect I set it in the middle of the tank and put the female inside it, now they can see each other and will start flirting with each other. Watch for the male to start blowing a bubble nest probably in a corner of the tank, under some floating plants if you have some if not you can use a piece of wax paper about 3'x 3" and float it in a corner. After he has built a bubble nest and a couple of days have passed take the glass vass out of the tank, releasing the female into the tank.
The chase is on, he will chase her and keep building the nest until he can couch her under the nest, where he will wrap his body around hers and squeeze the eggs out and into the nest any eggs that fall out of the nest he will pick up and blow them back into the nest. When the mating is done the male will chase the female away from the nest and will kill her if she isn't taken out of the tank, that's why you have to keep a close eye on them and get her out of the tank before this can happen. The male will take care of the eggs and they will start hatching within 24 hours. Once they hatch, and you see some swimming around , you need to take the male out of the tank, do not put him in with the female Betta. If you don't take him out in time, he could die from pure exhaustion, or he could eat the fry.
The Betta splendens or Betta's fry will have to be separated at about 4-6 weeks old. Some say you have to separate all but I keep all the females together and put all the males in separate containers.  These fish are easy to sell, because of the variety of colors, and the long  flowing fins.

Want to know more about Betta Splendons click here
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