Snapper fishing Port Phillip Bay is usually an activity that is done by many locals and visitors as well in the Victoria area of Australia. The snappers come to breed here in the spring season and they follow rain water from the land. They usually arrive in mass numbers that appears as red waves that is locally known as a crimson tide.
The best time to get the best catch is usually October to December. It is very important that you be very well prepared before going on the exercise. Have all equipment at the ready and bait as well. They feed on easy to catch prey like squids and crustaceans therefore you should have them ready.
The best boats to use would be ones that allow movement inside them especially ones that have both aft and forward seats. The catch can be an involving one because they are big. Dredging is banned around the area therefore only line and net fishing can be done. Ensure that the hooks are intact and that the lines can withstand much tension.
The boat that you plan to use should be able to handle 2 meters of tides as required by the local authorities. Season of snappers is usually one having very rough waves and tides. Check that your fuel supply is enough to bring you back to the shore always.
A wise angler is one who studies the trends of fish migration. A diary or a book on fish migration would do you good. Note that they move along the eastern sea board. Having a GPS tracker would also do you good.
Mainland snapper fishing port phillip bay is also possible. The snappers move to more shallow waters during the night time looking for injured or dead prey after rough seas. It is from such areas that you can be able to catch them even using rods.

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