"Albino Cichlid - Some Useful Facts About Them"," This species originated in South America which obtains an extrovert personality and an amazing interactive demeanor. Albino tiger possess an orange pink coloration which is a variant color of an Oscar which is also known as Astronotus oscellatus. Oscar cichlids should be kept in an aquarium with other fishes that are of similar size and not smaller otherwise the small species will be eaten like a snack. The ideal tank size for a solo Oscar is about 75 gallons with water temperature ranging from 72 - 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Aquarium size does not hinder its size and will continue to grow to its optimum size hence it is best to place them in a larger tank before fully grown. Subsequently because of its size causes other threats to back down. Albino Oscar cichlids are omnivores and eat any kind of food and are completely comfortable with a prepared food diet. They may also be fed with a live feeder fish however this could spoil their desire for prepared foods. Medium-sized Oscars are fond of worms, mealworms, waxworms, plankton, and even medium pellets and of course their all-time favorite which is the feeder goldfish and rosy reds. Noticing your albino Oscar lying on its side at the bottom of the tank is not an unusual behavior. It is basically their way of portraying boredom and resting. Your baby albino Oscar cichlid may have lesser fullness and brightness. .
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