If your going to be building an aquaponics design yourself, there are a few things you should know. This is a relatively new field to many and information is still a bit scarce. You can however learn to accomplish this task on your own. Many will purchase the materials, build the system and then maintain it without outside collaboration and they seem to be very successful at doing it.
Aquaponics is basically the science of raising aquatic creatures like fish, snails, mollusks and other small water dwelling animals in a contained structure, and adding plant life to the mix. Basically you are taking what mother nature has perfected on earth and making a very small model of that ecosystem in a controlled environment.
This type of an undertaking can have many important impacts on our environment. For one it's a way to make a replenish-able food supply. It adds to the populous of plant life which is never a bad thing. It uses natural aquatic waste from animal life to feed plants, which in turn clean the water for the animal life. This is done with the circulation of water through the plants root system and back into the aquarium containment.
There is an ever growing range of applications for this type of science in our world today. The initial outlay for this type of apparatus will vary with the size of the build and the complexity you decide to incorporate into your design.
Your basic elements will consist of a holding tank or pond for the fish or other marine life and planting beds for the plant life. These beds are usually placed above the fish tank to allow gravity to do some work for you. A pump is used to move the water from the fish tank into the plant bed which waters the plants. Water is then filtered back through the roots that grow from the vegetation and then returns to the tank it started from, virtually scrubbed clean.
The climate in the area you live in will decide for you if you can do this outside or not. If not then small systems can be built indoors that take up very little space. Prepackaged systems are available that take up only several square feet. These can even be built in an apartment or flat and still produce positive results.
If you'd like to get your aquaponics design implemented in a hurry, there are ready made systems that will put you in business in a day or so. Building your own will take a little longer but give you that much more satisfaction from knowing how much you are doing for a world that needs us to be vigilant and resourceful to help it sustain the human race.

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