"The Cove" Tells of Dolphin Slaughter and Marine Parks"," The documentary details the slaughter of thousands of dolphins each year as part of a drive fishery that takes place in a remote cove in Taiji, Japan.
Although the slaughter of dolphins in Taiji is very real, much about star Ric O'Barry's past and the reasons behind the Taiji slaughter portrayed in "The Cove" are far from fact.
Ricou Browning was the creator and Producer of "Flipper. "
And according to Miami Seaquarium, Kathie's (Flipper's) death came at the end of long illness, her death was not suicide.
From a 1993 article in "Animal People" Captain Paul Watson wrote: "It was only after [Steve] Wynn turned down O'Barry's application for a trainer's job [1989] that O'Barry became critical of the Mirage.
few could willingly ignore the violent slaughter of one of the world's most loved animals; and this is exactly what the creators of "The Cove" are relying on.
"The Cove"" deliberately portrays a sinister link between the killings in Taiji and U.
marine life parks that does not exist.
a multibillion dollar industry, and all of these captures helped create the largest slaughter of dolphins on the planet.
Ironically, Dolphin Cove Key Largo does not have any dolphins from the Taiji slaughter, nor has it ever.
According to the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums, an association that represents most major marine life parks in the western hemisphere, none of their 44 members ""have or take animals from the [Taiji] drive.
It began in 1606 as a drive fishery for the primary purpose of dolphin meat and later became a means of pest control.
" For the past two decades, O'Barry has acted as the henchman for EII in their campaign to gain de facto control over the marine zoological community; the same "certification" control that EII has exacted upon the tuna industry with their private "Dolphin Safe" label.
O'Barry and producers of "The Cove" may have their moment of fame and EII may even levy a toll on marine life parks in the process, but neither outcome will stop the slaughter of dolphins i

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