Remember two weeks ago we put the male beta and female beta together for the purpose Betta Fish Breeding. First we put the male in a five gal tank and wait a couple of days and when he starts making a bubble nest we add the female beta. He will start to chase her around the tank and when the time is right the female will let the male coach her under the nest and the male wraps around the female and as they drift toward the bottom of tank the male squeezes the eggs out of the female and then picks them up and blows them into the bubble nest. When the female is done laying eggs, she should be taken out of the tank, the male will take care of the eggs until all the eggs hatch within 36 hours. The male should be taken out after the eggs start hatching or he could run himself to death trying to keep all the eggs and fry in the nest. The fry are very small and should be fed small foods for at least 3 weeks. A trick I learned is to put small bits of baby fry food in a bit of water in a cup, mix thoroughly and pour into tank the particles sink and the fry can eat it better.
while doing Betta Fish Breeding keep a close watch and don't let the male kill the female and don't let the male over work himself trying to take care of the fry. Both can be lost real easy by not paying enough attention at the time of breeding which in most cases is less than a three day period once you put the female in the tank. Make sure the female is a little plump before trying to mate.
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while doing Betta Fish Breeding keep a close watch and don't let the male kill the female and don't let the male over work himself trying to take care of the fry. Both can be lost real easy by not paying enough attention at the time of breeding which in most cases is less than a three day period once you put the female in the tank. Make sure the female is a little plump before trying to mate.
Want a book on Beta Fish Care click here
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