"Tropical Aquarium"," They are quite easy to set up but take a lot of time and care to maintain properly.
Make sure your fish tank is not in direct sunlight, this could cause the water to over heat and will promote the growth of algae.
Put in the gravel to a depth of around two or three inches and decorate with rocks or wood and if you are not planning on real plants then you can place your plastic plants in your tank.
Wash out your fish tank with cold water, fit the filter, thermometer, heater and air pump (chances are you bought a fish tank with all this ready setup for you).
You should set the temperature to between 22-29 degrees centigrade.
This gives the water time to get rid of all the chlorine and for the filter system to build up some good bacteria.
While your tank is maturing why not choose your fish and plants.
I bought a pleco for my three foot tank, big mistake the fish can grow to around two feet in length.
I tend to go for one big show fish and a few medium size tank cleaning catfish.
There is nothing worse than buying lots of fish and they all die after a few days because the tank wasn't quite ready.
Leave them there for 15 - 20 minutes,then open the bag and little by little add small amounts of water from your aquarium to the bag.

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