Tips for Taking Fish to Taxidermist
"Tips for Taking Fish to Taxidermist"," You need to begin just as soon as you have caught the fish. If you plan to keep the fish, then you will need to preserve it to ensure it makes it to the taxn't put any othe fish in the cooler because it may cause damage to the fins or scales. Start by jotting down the width, length, and girth of the fish. Make sure that the pictures are shot from close up, and preferably against a white background so that the colors will show up better. You have two choices for this, salt or borax. Don't be skittish about it, since it's best that you put a lot up there. Have the towel be damp and not too wet. Once it has been wrapped in the damp towel, then you need to put it in a plastic airtight bag. It needs to lay as flat as possible. After you get back from your trip, it's best that you take the fish to your taxidermist immediately. Once again, make sure that it stays straight by putting it on a flat surface. If everything goes to plan, then the taxidermist will be able to produce a great trophy mount for you. After getting your trophy back, you will just need to care for it properly to ensure that it lasts. You should also try to put your mount in a location that won't be exposed to cigarette smoke.

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