Red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors there are also secondary colors and these are orange, green and purple. The color that is complementary with purple or violet appears opposite it on the color wheel that artist's use and this is the color yellow. An example of how well yellow and purple go together is when they are used during Easter.
Two primary colors make one secondary color and to make purple you mix red with blue. To change the value of the purple color adjust the red and blue accordingly. More red added is obviously a reddish purple and more blue added is bluish purple. The colors violet and purple, their spirituality and the psychology behind them:
When the color purple in any form appears in paintings the feelings it evokes will vary. If the purple is on the blue side it is cooler and presents a feeling of being staunch or old fashioned. When purple is set closer to red it gives off a expensive feel and brings to mind things of luxury. Reddish purple is definitely a warmer color than a blue purple. Purple, especially when it leans towards the violet side of the spectrum gives off a very gentle feeling and for this reason it has been known as a feminine color. But then rich royal men would wear purple they considered it an upper class color. Purple dyed clothes were expensive in ancient times so only the men who were kings and emperors got to wear them. In present day the color purple has been associated with the gay pride community and of course there is the Purple Heart medal awarded to men who were considered the bravest amongst the military community. Man and his spirituality are thought to be known by the purple or violet color. These pigments create the color purple:
Purple colored paint is made from many different compounds and even though it is made from mostly Cobalt, Quinacridone and Ultramarine it is also made from Manganese and Dioxazine. For your own type of purple it is as simple as mixing blues and reds until you come up with what you want.
Forming the color purple:
The technique for mixing any color is to use the basic components that will create the value and mix them together in small quantities until you arrive at something you like. To make large quantities of the special colors they need some artist keep a book on how much of each color they actually use to make a mixture.
To make different shades of purple its complimentary color yellow can be added to it. By adjusting a little purple to a lot of yellow you can alter the type of violet colors you get and violet is a triad color
Two primary colors make one secondary color and to make purple you mix red with blue. To change the value of the purple color adjust the red and blue accordingly. More red added is obviously a reddish purple and more blue added is bluish purple. The colors violet and purple, their spirituality and the psychology behind them:
When the color purple in any form appears in paintings the feelings it evokes will vary. If the purple is on the blue side it is cooler and presents a feeling of being staunch or old fashioned. When purple is set closer to red it gives off a expensive feel and brings to mind things of luxury. Reddish purple is definitely a warmer color than a blue purple. Purple, especially when it leans towards the violet side of the spectrum gives off a very gentle feeling and for this reason it has been known as a feminine color. But then rich royal men would wear purple they considered it an upper class color. Purple dyed clothes were expensive in ancient times so only the men who were kings and emperors got to wear them. In present day the color purple has been associated with the gay pride community and of course there is the Purple Heart medal awarded to men who were considered the bravest amongst the military community. Man and his spirituality are thought to be known by the purple or violet color. These pigments create the color purple:
Purple colored paint is made from many different compounds and even though it is made from mostly Cobalt, Quinacridone and Ultramarine it is also made from Manganese and Dioxazine. For your own type of purple it is as simple as mixing blues and reds until you come up with what you want.
Forming the color purple:
The technique for mixing any color is to use the basic components that will create the value and mix them together in small quantities until you arrive at something you like. To make large quantities of the special colors they need some artist keep a book on how much of each color they actually use to make a mixture.
To make different shades of purple its complimentary color yellow can be added to it. By adjusting a little purple to a lot of yellow you can alter the type of violet colors you get and violet is a triad color

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