Playing on the computer is a wonderful way to pass time for people. Sonic games online which include the always popular hedgehog can be easily found. He was created during the 80s when Sega stopped producing gaming consoles. Today he is found on every one of the popular game systems with a slightly updated look.
Each new release in the game brings new adventures for the creature, starting in the 90s on the newer platforms. The game's adventures continue to evolve as the character takes on a newer, more grown up look with the addition of new team members to work on the creation.
The colors on the hedgehog was selected specifically to match the original platform, the Sega Master. While the looks for the hedgehog have grown up so to speak, his coloring and his role in most games remains the same. In the beginning, the hedgehog was dubbed Mr. Needlemouse during the first stages of creation.
The newly updated look to the creature has not changed the popularity in the game in any way. While several changes have taken place on the platform, the character continues in his own way. Details have changed including he is now a bit taller, a little less round and has quills that are a bit longer and tend to sag. These slight changes have not dampened the enthusiasm for the character.
Playstation and Xbox have adopted the cute hedgehog on their platforms as well as many others. You can locate him in comic books and on television shows as well as in other series such as with the Mario Bros. Five television series have been made, four have been released within the western part of the world. All are very popular. He has also been seen within the raceway of the Grand Prix and the Macy's Thanksgiving parade.
The Flash series found online contains the nearly identical looks and feel of the platform series. Many can be found to satisfy your craving for the music and the adventures. Anyone can enjoy these fun games on their home computer without having to purchase a gaming console.
Each new designer or artist creates a somewhat updated look for the creature, changing his expressions or updating the various parts. However, the popularity continues to grow as more and more people want to play these different versions. Throughout the entire life though, his colors of blue and red remain.

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