Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Discus Fish Breeding - Simple Ways to Breed Your Fish

"Discus Fish Breeding - Simple Ways to Breed Your Fish"," Well of course this is just my opinion.
 I myself find this to be a crazy price tag on Discus and I would never recommend anyone pay over 70 dollars for a single adult.
 The going rate on Discus is about 45 dollars for a juvenile and around 70 dollars, on the high end for an adult.

The Next Step

Keeping a Discus aquarium is a blast however there is more to the hobby.
 This is fun and is also a great way to save money on the expense of the fish.
 When you care for discus you know how expensive the fish can be.
 Discus are great breeders and in some instances they will breed in your main tank without even knowing it.
 You will see fry swimming around in a few weeks.
 I will show the easy and expensive option and also the less expensive method to use.
 When purchasing a breeding pair let your dealer know what you are interested in.
 Dealers and people who don't mind spending money prefer this route due to the fact, you can have the fish start mating in a couple of days.
 Mating pairs are expensive costing between 200 and 300 dollars for the pair.
 With this option the less expensive, you purchase a group of at least 6 discus juveniles.
 This is not a hundred percent guaranteed.
 I would definitely recommend this option for someone who is just starting to set up their new aquarium.
 Discus like to establish territory within you aquarium.
 Keep an eye on this because these two fish will become mom and dad.
 A breeding tank is a tank separate from the main tank where you keep your fish.
 When breeding discus fish it is advised to have at least a 20 gallon tank for the two fish.
 Use the water from your main tank to fill the ""Discus fish breeding tank"".
 Remember to leave the bottom of the breeding tank clear.
 There is reason in doing this step.
 The only decor which is necessary is a vertical surface for their eggs.

Both of these types of fish prefer to lay their eggs using a vertical surface.
 Most people go the easy rout and use either a plant such as a java Fern.
 When you think your tank looks a little bare I advise to put a potted plant in a corner to give your discus some shelter.

Keep in mind the Discus fish breeding tank is a usually a lot smaller than your original tank.
 Check the breeding tank regularly for ammonia spikes and water temperature.
 This practice is very imperative when breeding discus fish.
 When your water quality is poor the fish will not even attempt to mate.
Remember what you paid for your discus and sell the baby's accordingly.

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Keeping Discus Fish - Tropical Discus Fish Care and Breeding Advice

"Keeping Discus Fish - Tropical Discus Fish Care and Breeding Advice"," Anyone who is thinking about keeping discus fish in their home aquarium should of course get all the information they need before actually buying any of them.
 Keeping discus fish does require a bit of knowledge on their background, about what to offer to make such pets happy and also what to expect from them.

When first keeping discus fish you will find that they are shy and very calm in general, but when they start making couples they can often become a little bit aggressive due to breeding territory protection.
 First off, as you will see with most groups of any type of fish, within a group it is not uncommon that the weakest discus will get bullied; this is something that can unfortunately result in death.
 By doing this you will increase the confidence of the group members and you lower the risk of group misbehavior.
 For example mating are matters of their own personal choice do not try to force two together.
 When you are keeping discus fish that are about to go through the breeding process it is always best to separate them into a different tank specially prepared for the purpose.
 Discus fish prepare their area that they are going to use to have their babies by cleaning it first and defending it throughout the whole process.
 After about a week the fry will be big enough for you to help with the feeding by giving some baby brine shrimp or even just some flaked food will do.
 Use a separate tank for the fry feed them well to support the accelerated growth rate.
 At that size you will be able to start to sell your baby discus fish.

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The Secrets of How to Breed Discus Fish

"The Secrets of How to Breed Discus Fish"," Before breeding, discus likes to choose their own partner, which makes breeding a little bit difficult and lot more expensive for the owner.
 The water should be kept warm enough and they should be feed properly and with time you will see that breeding discus will be a true joy.
To have a better understanding of how to breeding discus you have a lot of reading to do.
 If the water are good and they are well fed they will spawn on the bottom or the side of the tank.
 While breeding discus, you will also notice behavior changes in your normally so calm and shy fish.
 It is not uncommon for the parents to eat the eggs.

It's quite easy to know if you've got discus fish pairs; you will see two of them starting to defend a parameter in the aquarium, you will need to act fast.
 They will only need a vertical surface to deposit their eggs.

Water and food are the two essential elements for successful discus breeding.
 Have fun and good luck!

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Discover the Magic of Breeding Betta Fish Aka Siamese Fighting Fish

"Discover the Magic of Breeding Betta Fish Aka Siamese Fighting Fish"," Where to start, is always the first question as there are just so many aspects in successfully breeding Betta Fish. Therefore your first consideration should always be to test the waters first. The equipment required the produce large quantities of saleable Bettas can be be quite extensive and involve quite a bit of initial expense. This of course can be the secret to your success and that is, just how simple and convenient your breeding set up is to manage and operate. Having said that though don't think that you need to live in a tropical climate to be successful in breeding Bettas. Once you have set up your Betta breeding area your next step will be to select a pair of suitable Bettas. Betta fish can produce anywhere up to 400 to 500 fry in just one spawn so be conscious to produce fish that are in demand. Another option to consider right from the start is the type of Betta Splendens you wish to breed, as there are several options. It is the variety found in most pet stores but it is not very well regarded by the majority of Betta enthusiasts therefore it may be wise not to invest your time with this variety. Both of these Bettas look quite different. The Crown tail has fins where the ends of the rays extend past the webbing of each of the three main fins and as such the shape resembles that of a crown. Whichever variety of Betta Splendens you do ultimately decide on may just depend on what you can source in your area. Therefore do you research thoroughly and remember if you can't find what you're looking for in your area, it is possible to buy Bettas from quality Breeders through the mail. This is the exciting part and there are many accepted and effective ways of going about this. So you can imagine, sourcing a breeder that if helpful and informative can be just as important and selecting the right Bettas. This is where the value of quality research will come into play. There are many aspects to breeding Bettas successfully and many areas where novice breeders can trip themselves up. If you can master breeding Bettas on a small scale then you will be well positioned to then expand your operation to a larger scale. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Aquarium Discus Fish - Tips on Keeping Your Discus

"Aquarium Discus Fish - Tips on Keeping Your Discus"," These small wonderful creatures are great pets to keep in an aquarium. Discus are very temperamental creatures. Discus require close attention to keep them healthily. With some guidance you can be on your way to marinating a beautiful ""aquarium discus fish"" aquarium. What I mean by aquarium balance is about how many discus you should keep an aquarium. Discus like room to roam so use this guideline and you will save yourself from overcrowding your fish. First up is tank shape. You would like to get a tank which is taller than longer. This is what i mean by Discus liking taller tanks. I don't suggest you run out and purchase a new tank. They are not gospel however as a rule you do want to have at least an 18"" tank depth. This is just my personal opinion. Plus I like to keep more than 3 fish. Discus are creatures of habit. Even though Discus don't require any special diets they don't like their food to be changed all of a sudden. Feed them the new food in small doses. This will keep your fish stress free during the food change. This is about water quality. Now Let me elaborate on chemistry. You also need to test the water hardness. The PH level is next important factor. Discus do not like to compromise these PH factors. The fish may live and even will breed. The bottom line is always test your water conditions and make very gradual changes when need be. . Make my day click HERE

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Watching Wildlife and Marine Life in Sri Lanka

"Watching Wildlife and Marine Life in Sri Lanka"," Although a small country compared to most other countries Sri Lanka have more than 50 natures reserves and National parks. Elephants, Deer, Buffalo, Wild Boar, Monkeys, Crocodiles and Peacocks are common in most national parks and Black Bears and Leopard are found in some national parks. Many tourists especially love to watch Elephants, watching these majestic creatures in their natural habitat is a truly fulfilling experience. If you want to see Elephants in a semi wild life condition and want to take part in activities like bottle feeding baby Elephants you can visit the Pinnawela Elephant orphanage as well. Your best chance is in Yala and Vilpattu national parks and the best time to spot Leopards is during February and March, when its the dry season. If all these fails then you can easily visit the national zoological gardens in Dehiwela, which is very close to the main city of Colombo. Sri Lanka is fast becoming a popular destination for whale and dolphin watching. Other than that because of the increase in tourism, commercial Whale watching tours are carried out now and some are even conducted by the Sri Lanka Navy. Dondra point is the most popular starting point for Whale watching tours but many other cities in southern coast have Whale and Dolphin watching tours. . LEARN SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING   

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White Spot or Ick Is a Common, But Easily Curable Fish Disease

"White Spot or Ick Is a Common, But Easily Curable Fish Disease"," This disease is also called Ick or occasionally Ich or Ichy. The spots are about the size of a pinhead and the fish can look as if it has been sprinkled with salt or sugar grains. This is more difficult to see. The gill infection makes it more difficult for the fish to absorb Oxygen from the water and infected fish can show signs of being short of Oxygen like ""gasping"" at the surface, or apparently breathing very fast. Sometimes fish will swim down and try to rub their skin against objects. Sometimes fish show no obvious symptoms, but simply die. Omnipresent This is a very common disease of fish. Most fish have been exposed to this parasite and have developed some immunity. The statement that this parasite is present in most aquariums is often misunderstood. It survives by living on fish. It would be free of the white spot parasite. This fish could be introduced into the empty tank and develop white spot. What would actually have happened would simply be that the fish had a white spot infection without any symptoms. If the parasite wiped out all the fish in the aquarium, pond or lake it was in, the parasite itself would also die. In the unnatural ecosystem of an aquarium it can easily get out of balance and kill all the fish. The ideal parasite is one that actually gives some advantage to its host. Stress If something stresses the fish, their immune system often becomes less effective. You are much more likely to get both minor and major diseases when you are under stress. One very common one is simply being caught, put into a plastic bag and transported to a new home. Some people incorrectly assume that the new fish has introduced the parasite. Other types of stress include changes in temperature, pH, dH or any other water parameter. This means that it can only live in the presence of fish. The trophont grows and then drops off the fish, falling to the bottom of the tank and forms a cyst called a tomont. The tomont opens and the tomites go into the water. At 6 degrees C (43 degrees F) is gets through its life cycle in about 55 days, while at 29 degrees C (84 degrees F) it completes its cycle in only about 4 days. At normal tropical fish tank temperatures they only have about 2 days to find a fish to infect. The tomonts on the bottom of the tank are also hard to kill although they can be removed by gravel washing. The only stage that is readily susceptible to treatment is the free swimming tomite. There are many possible forms of treatment. Here are a few of the ways of treating this disease: Medications There are many commercial treatments for white spot. In our own tanks the medication I prefer is Wardley Ickaway, but different people will have their own preferences. Most of the medications are also destroyed by ultraviolet light, so ultraviolet sterilization will also need to be turned off. You can use the half rate at double the normal frequency. Increasing the temperature will make the chemical treatments work faster, but will also mean that the infection will spread faster. But some types of fish cannot survive the temperature needed to destroy white spot. To actually kill the parasite you need to raise the temperature to about 32 degrees C (89. This temperature would need to be maintained for at least four days to have much chance of killing the parasite. Increased aeration will be needed because Oxygen does not dissolve as much in warm water, and the fish's metabolism increases as the water warms up so the need more Oxygen. These fish can survive the temperatures needed and can breath air as well as water. Personally I would not attempt this, and I advise other people not to try. Apart from the difficulty of getting the dose of Chlorine right there is the problem that some places, like the Adelaide Hills where I live, have Chloranimated water. Salt Salt will kill the white spot parasite, but different strains have different tolerances. This means that many common aquarium fish cannot survive the level of salt needed to kill white spot. It can be used on the livebearers like Guppies, Mollies, Platies and Swordtails. Most aquarium plants will be killed by this level of salt. You are more likely to get good results if the ultraviolet unit is more powerful than usually recommended for your sized aquarium. Disease Free Fish It is possible to breed fish in the complete absence of the white spot parasite. These fish are grown in water which is a mixture of fresh water and sea water, sometimes having as much as half the salt concentration of pure sea water. These fish can be wiped out quickly. Aquarium shops will normally warn their customers that the fish are disease free. Susceptible Fish Some types of fish get the white spot disease more easily than others. . 


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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Breeding Freshwater Tropical Fish

"Breeding Freshwater Tropical Fish"," If you have recently purchased a larger aquarium you should keep the smaller one and use it as a breeding tank. Using a breeding tank will isolate the breeding pair and protect the eggs and fish fry from being eaten by the other members of a community tank after spawning has occurred. Egg scattering fish do not exhibit signs of parental instinct. Aquarists frequently add floating plants to their breeding tank to hide the eggs from predation. Most fish eggs sink. Either way, it is advisable to remove the adults from the breeding tank after spawning. Breeding Live Bearers Guppies, mollies and swordtails are live bearing tropical fish. The best way to avoid this is by using a breeding trap. Breeding traps are typically transparent plastic containers comprised of two compartments. As the female gives birth the fry will drop through to the bottom compartment. The plastic piece that separates the breeding trap into two compartments can then be removed to give the fry more room to maneuver. But remember that they are in an isolated compartment for their own protection. Breeding and Brood Care Cichlids are unquestionably among the most popular freshwater tropical fish to exhibit parental instincts as part of the procreation process. Cichlids have varied and highly complex breeding habits all of which include advanced parental care. · Substrate brooders lay their eggs in the open. · Secretive cave brooders lay their eggs in caves, crevices, holes or abandoned mollusk shells. · Ovophile mouth brooders use their mouths as incubators during spawning. Free swimming fry may remain in the mouth's protective custody for several weeks before being released. After the eggs hatch, the larva is scooped up in the mouth to develop into fry. The male's duty is to stand guard over the female or their brood to protect them from predators. A breeding tank will alleviate the territorial squabbles that are certain to occur in a community tank and safeguard eggs and fry from predation. Both parents will assist their brood in foraging for food, teaching them the skills they will need to survive on their own. Parents and fry have actually been observed communicating during this learning process, both in the wild and in captivity. Cichlids are not the only freshwater tropical fish to demonstrate advanced parenting instinct as interregnal part of breeding. Cichlids were picked as general example of more advanced breeding instincts because of their immense popularity among freshwater aquarium owners. Liquid fry food, infusoria, or rotifers are among them. Some aquarium owners feed their fry hard boiled egg yolks that have been strained though a cloth or pulverized in a food processor. Whatever your choice, remember that fry are very small. Over feeding your fry will only serve to foul up your aquarium water.

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How to Create the Perfect Environment For Tropical Fish

"How to Create the Perfect Environment For Tropical Fish"," If you want to prevent problems with your aquarium and your tropical fish you need to carefully prepare your tank, even before you add fish. The Aquarium Tank I selected a glass aquarium over acrylic because glass is stronger, easier to clean, does not scratch and will not sag or bend like acrylic. So I was pretty confident in the selection I made that it would not leak. Also at the time you leak test it; it is a good idea to clean your tank with warm water. Aerator Before putting in the substrate I placed an aerator at the rear of the aquarium. Ensure you rinse the aerator with warm water to remove any contaminants before placing it in the aquarium. Substrate is defined as a substance that is acted upon in a biochemical reaction. This bacterium clings to the stuff at the bottom hence the term substrate. I placed about 50 pounds of gravel in my tank as the substrate. Before placing the substrate in, ensure you rinse it with warm water to remove the dirt. Water I feel this was the most critical step. I added a conditioner to remove the chemicals and let them sit overnight. Since I only added twenty-five gallons at a time, this process took me five days. Ensure you keep the heater covered to prevent cracking the heater. Ensure you get enough filter for the size tank you select. Besides cleaning your water the filters will also keep colonies of bacteria that will remove ammonia and nitrites from your water. These are good for removing nitrates from the water and give your shy fish a place to hide. This step is important to prevent getting ammonia and nitrites in your aquarium. With fish in the tank, waste and decaying excess food will start producing ammonia. Initially you will see a slight ammonia spike but then it will drop off to zero. Nitrites are also toxic to your fish but other bacteria that you have placed in the tank will consume the nitrites, producing nitrates. Once your ammonia spike is gone and the nitrites are gone, you have established an environment that your fish will thrive in. The bacterium now resides on the substrate, filter mechanism and on the tank walls. I added three a week so as not to upset the equilibrium I had established in the aquarium Conclusion Important keys in developing your aquarium is to ensure everything is clean and you ensure the nitrogen cycle is performed by adding bacteria to your tank. STOP WASTING TIME CLICK HERE   

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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Home Marine Aquariums - Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle - Dealing With Fish Waste

"Home Marine Aquariums - Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle - Dealing With Fish Waste"," The decomposition of waste products in the aquarium produces ammonia, which is highly poisonous to the fish in it.
 A canister filter provide the means for biological filtration.
 Also, it is important to avoid cleaning the filter media with tap/chlorinated water or any soap or detergent as these will kill the bacteria and have a harmful effect on the fish.
 However, opinion seems divided on the effectiveness of such medium in a canister filter.
 He advised changing the filter wool twice weekly.

In this aquarium system, unlike the ocean, the nitrogen cycle ends with the production of nitrates.
 Again, recommendations vary on the amount and frequency of water changes.

Water can be removed from the aquarium using a plastic jug or bucket or a combined siphon/gravel cleaner.
 Larger pieces of solid waste, such as a dead fish or an uneaten mussel, can be removed by hand or by netting.
 This situation is commonly known as ""new tank syndrome.


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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Saltwater Aquarium Plants

"Saltwater Aquarium Plants"," However, that's not all they do. Macro algae are particularly good as they give a natural form of filtration in the saltwater tank. These actions reduce the accumulation of toxic nitrates and phosphates and other impurities in the water. A tank that contains saltwater aquarium plants is likely to be a wholesome one. It is also non-invasive so it won't damage nearby corals or invertebrates. Halimeda is sensitive to big nitrate and phosphate and really do not like to be pruned. They are not fed on by most fish and invertebrates except sea urchins. They are to be found in a range of colors - red, green, brown and blue. This means they use a pigment labeled chlorophyll to make their food for growth and other functions. These contain nitrates and phosphates. You will require moderate to strong for the growth of macro algae. This means the water and amount of accessible light. It can occur in masses of bubbles or single or in small groups of big bubbles. These saltwater aquarium plants grow fast and can take over your aquarium. You can usually remove it by hand. The emerald crabs are an outstanding notion for the reef aquarium where they won't fight with other inhabitants. So you can defend your saltwater aquarium stocking some of these minor helpers. Your local aquarium shop will be able to tell you additional about which saltwater aquarium plants are most suitable for your tank, level of expertise and the other species you want to stock. Once you have all your plants set up you will be well-fitted to get pleasure from the animal plant interactions that are so very much a part of the marine ecosystem. A good tank is a happy tank so do take the time to do your research. Discover out if it is doable to propagate any of these plants from, how to enhance or decrease their growth and what nutrients they call for to stay healthy. LEARN MORE CLICK HERE 

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How to Choose the Right Saltwater Aquarium Fish

"How to Choose the Right Saltwater Aquarium Fish"," Plus there are a number of species of saltwater aquarium fish that are for sale which have certain requirements that you as an aquarist will not be able to meet. Although the new ones may survive being captured, handled and shipped, they become infected with diseases that you are unaware of and which the owner of the shop can easily deal with. So if you are buying some angel fish, hawkfish, butterfly fish, clown fish or any other kind of marine fish that are for sale, spend time watching how it swims and breathes and the way it is behaving. Make sure that the fish are alert and will eat the food that has been given to them. When you go shopping for any kind of fish for your saltwater aquarium, it is a good idea to learn a little bit more about the ones you are considering. Also you need to spend time learning about their overall hardiness. So those fish which eat slowly, need to be put with fish of a similar nature, while the aggressive varieties such as chow-hounds should be kept together. Below we look at just a number of the different species that one should be considering for keeping in a saltwater aquarium. Of all the various different types of tropical fish one can purchase today, these are one of the hardiest of them all. Mollies - Although these are freshwater fish, they can be acclimatized to live in saltwater aquariums also. As time passes you need to increase the amount of salt that is in the water and this will help to get them familiar with their new environment. Yes, even though the Bicolor Angelfish, Black Nox Angel Fish, Blue Fin Angelfish, Cream Angelfish and Cortez Angelfish are wonderful to look at , they are very delicate tropical aquarium fish and will find it extremely difficult acclimatizing to a new environment. If you want to ensure that your aquarium fish live, then make sure that you know how to care for them and make sure that they get the necessary proteins, minerals etc required. . LEARN MORE CLICK HERE  

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Alaska's Wonderful Marine Life - The Whales

"Alaska's Wonderful Marine Life - The Whales"," Alaskan waters harbor over one-fifth of all the whale species in the world along with 2 dolphin species. However, outside of Alaska, the worlds smallest whale is the Dwarf Sperm Whale at only 9 feet and weighs between 200-300 lbs when fully grown. The Blue Whale is the largest living creature on earth. However, the Orca is known for killing and eating baby seals and penguins. Orcas reside at both poles, hence the name ""Killer Whale. Over that last two centuries whale populations of all species have plummeted to all time lows but, due to resent efforts of many different organizations and government conservation their numbers are on the rise again. When you see an ocean, river or lake please have respect for what is in it; don't throw things in it like plastics or bottles. Remember, these waters are the 'front yards' of all marine life. LEARN SOMETHING NEW AND EXCITING 

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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tropical Fish Keeping and How to Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium

"Tropical Fish Keeping and How to Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium"," But when you start a tropical freshwater fish aquarium you gotta start it right 'cos if you don't it won't last one month and you want it to last for life. But if you want to start off correctly then you won't be rushing out buying lots of fish stuff without doing some research first. It's definite. How can it? You don't know what to do to maintain it let alone start the thing in the first place! So stop everything else, put down your tools and get researching. Maybe the word research puts you off. I promise you that if you carry out this research prior to starting a freshwater fish aquarium your tropical fish keeping hobby will most certainly last a lifetime and only because you will have complete understanding of what you need to do and how to do it correctly. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE   

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Choosing Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Your Home

"Choosing Freshwater Aquarium Fish for Your Home"," Regardless if you have a large tank or a small tank displayed in any one room of your home, you'll have a great deal of entertainment and fun when you have fish as part of your menagerie of pets. With a nicely decorated and well lit aquarium, you have a nice focal point for any environment. The most common ones, if they're selected well for size will live together without any problems. Before you know it, the tank you've filled with many different kinds of beautiful fish, will only have a handful left - the largest of the fish. You should understand if one species is alright to keep with another species; your goal is to keep the community of the tank calm and friendly. You can easily solve that problem, however, with getting a bigger sized tank. From these types, you'll know if your aquarium freshwater fish would be great to keep with other fish or alone in the tank. For example, when you get yourself a twig catfish, there are 20 species at the least for you to choose from with that species of fish. Maintaining some species of fish will be quite easy for you and if you've had a lot of practice with fish, you can move on up to a more experienced level where you can take care of fish that require intermediate or more difficult care. From there, you can research more on freshwater fish to learn more about your beautiful and graceful pets. . LEARN HOW TO DO MANY THINGS CLICK HERE PLEASE 

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Is a Saltwater Fish Tank Right For You?

"Is a Saltwater Fish Tank Right For You?"," Many different colorful fish can be added to a tank like this, and some of the most beautiful specimens in the world are a possibility. They require more attention and care than freshwater fish tanks, and are not for the beginning aquarium keeper. Don't think that there's a lot more maintenance to keeping a saltwater tank healthy than for a freshwater tank. However, no fish tank is going to do well if you just fill it with water and dump in fish, and saltwater species are even more likely to be sensitive to changes in their environments than freshwater species. By comparison, a lake or stream is likely to have different water quality, temperature, and availability at different times of year. However, if you have the ability to maintain your tank at the right temperature and water quality, and with the right amount of light, your fish will prosper! A saltwater fish tank must be routinely monitored for ammonia levels, salt levels, and other water quality issues, but if you keep those in check, it should operate just fine. Think of this as giving you time to decide which tropical jewels you want to pick for your tank - there are so many that it can be really hard to choose, after all! Set up the tank with its substrate, add water that's not contaminated by any chemicals, and then add salt to the correct concentration. Add decorations like rocks and similar items later - just make sure they're free of toxins that might hurt your fish. Do it slowly, since these creatures have had a big shock in moving from their old tanks to your new one. Take a reasonable amount of time between adding fish to make sure they're acclimatized to their new environment. The end result is a beautiful fish tank full of truly amazing fish. Make my day click here and learn  

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The Wonderous Koi Fish

"The Wonderous Koi Fish"," Your interest in Koi Fish is as unique as the fish itself as only the people with the best taste in collecting beautiful fish and taking care of them turn to Koi. It is in fact so popular in Japan that it has been declared their national fish. Now however, due to cross breeding and modern scientific experiments, they can be found in a sweetly abundant variety ranging from dozens of colors to dozens of patterns. Talking about popularity, the Koi is not just popular in Japan but is also taken as a mythological creature, which speaks volumes about the age and tradition attached to the fish. That's how special the Koi is. It has been made one of the best domesticated fish in the world. After showing interest in the most beautiful fish in the world and planning to breed it, there are a few difficulties you might face though. To make things simple, the Japanese have classified almost all of them based on their physical features, and some on their historic significance. This type of Koi has three red 'islands' on its body, not connected to each other. Then there's the Yondan (Yon meaning four). It all comes down to your preference on what type of design you are looking for. Just make sure you value and respect the beauty and tradition the Koi has brought to the world for centuries. Make my day click here and learn more 

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The Secrets of Owning Tropical Fish Tanks

"The Secrets of Owning Tropical Fish Tanks"," The tradition of keeping fish can be traced back to China and Egypt but the hobby of keeping tropical fish is a recent trend. The reasons why people choose tropical fish are- they are many kinds of them and they are more brightly colored than freshwater fish and they are easy to grow and maintain. Let us divide the good and positive side of having a tropical fish tank so you may make an informed decision when purchasing a specific type of aquarium The positive side:Tropical fish will help you bring out all the artistic side in you. The aquarium becomes one of the most appealing parts of your home or office. You will know a lot of different things about the fish, maintenance, disease and many more. The feeds of the fish are not that expensive compared to the price of feeds of other animals. Fish will provide you the calming effect and are really useful when you are too stressed from work. You will not worry of them roaming and disturbing other living things because they stay in tank where you left them. The thing is that, oftentimes it would be too late to know that there is something wrong with the tank. Most fish are not cheap so you have to spare extra money for that. You need to do some research work before taking care of any fish. There you have it, weigh the pros and cons of having the tropical fish tanks in your house. It is easy to keep fish as pets given that you know how to handle responsibilities. . Make my day click here and learn more 

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"Tropical Fish Disease",

"Tropical Fish Disease"," Here are few tropical fish diseases. For Environmental problem look for any manifestations of disease and buy a simple waster tester. Small and white spots on the Body, head and fins of tropical fish. This is very common disease in new aquarium. 1 teaspoon salt per gallon could be one of the cures. This could be because of poor water quality, chlorine poisoning or eye fluke. For chlorine poisoning you should condition tap water before using it. Effect of Cotton Wool on the tropical fish body It could be fungus or mouth fungus (columnarius). Pop eye could be because of bacteria, poor water quality vitamin deficiency etc. . Make my day click below   

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Considering a Home Freshwater Aquarium?

Considering a Home Freshwater Aquarium?"," How many times have you personally crossed paths with a gorgeous setup and stood there, admiring its beauty, thinking ""I've always wanted a home freshwater aquarium. The real truth of the matter is that maintaining a 40 or 50 gallon fish tank is much, much simpler than that old goldfish bowl, and may even take less time! One of the first road blocks a burgeoning aquatic hobbyist encounters on their first visit to the fish store is the realization that there are positively hundreds of different types of fish tanks to choose from. Then we realize that this is just the tank - there is still the lighting, filtration, heating, and don't forget the fish! It can indeed be overwhelming; your choices range from the basic fish bowl we discussed earlier to the modern hi-tech (and costly), self-contained automated ecosystems. My suggestion to you is don't get overwhelmed, take it slowly; start by visiting several local fish stores and spend some time talking to the staff. First spend some time with the fish tanks themselves, get a feel for the size and design that catches your eye, make a note of the dimensions so you can walk around the house later and plan the perfect spot to put this new aquarium. You'll want to collect information on the following: The adult size of the fish species, males and females are often different sizes. Its preferred native environment - murky shallows, fast running streams, river deltas, and so forth. Be sure to go back and review your list with that enthusiastic store clerk before you leave, first hand information is invaluable. If you are opting for a community aquarium, it is imperative that you only put fish together that can survive in the same aquarium - this means the same social ranking, water temperature and pH levels; if you don't, both you and your fish will be seriously unhappy! Once you have a pretty good idea of what you're after, you need to get the aquarium and the equipment to go with it. Too often a hobbyist with a complete setup, sometimes even including the fish, has lost interest or is moving and can't take their aquarium with them - their loss is your gain. Make my day click here 

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Tropical Fish Keeping Demands That You Keep Up With Your Knowledge

"Tropical Fish Keeping Demands That You Keep Up With Your Knowledge"," When you start a freshwater fish aquarium keep up with your research just incase you're missing something. But, as with most hobbies there are some folk out there who think they can maintain their hobby based on pure guess work. They want a happy, long life as well you know and they can have it only if you're on top of the game so to speak. So off you go folks and make that extra effort to read up on all the information you can in order to keep your beloved hobby alive as well as your fish. Make my day click SOMETHING 

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tropical Fish Keeping and How to Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium

"Tropical Fish Keeping and How to Start a Tropical Freshwater Fish Aquarium"," But when you start a tropical freshwater fish aquarium you gotta start it right 'cos if you don't it won't last one month and you want it to last for life. But if you want to start off correctly then you won't be rushing out buying lots of fish stuff without doing some research first. It's definite. How can it? You don't know what to do to maintain it let alone start the thing in the first place! So stop everything else, put down your tools and get researching. Maybe the word research puts you off. I promise you that if you carry out this research prior to starting a freshwater fish aquarium your tropical fish keeping hobby will most certainly last a lifetime and only because you will have complete understanding of what you need to do and how to do it correctly. Make my day click this 

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