"Discover the Magic of Breeding Betta Fish Aka Siamese Fighting Fish"," Where to start, is always the first question as there are just so many aspects in successfully breeding Betta Fish. Therefore your first consideration should always be to test the waters first. The equipment required the produce large quantities of saleable Bettas can be be quite extensive and involve quite a bit of initial expense. This of course can be the secret to your success and that is, just how simple and convenient your breeding set up is to manage and operate. Having said that though don't think that you need to live in a tropical climate to be successful in breeding Bettas. Once you have set up your Betta breeding area your next step will be to select a pair of suitable Bettas. Betta fish can produce anywhere up to 400 to 500 fry in just one spawn so be conscious to produce fish that are in demand. Another option to consider right from the start is the type of Betta Splendens you wish to breed, as there are several options. It is the variety found in most pet stores but it is not very well regarded by the majority of Betta enthusiasts therefore it may be wise not to invest your time with this variety. Both of these Bettas look quite different. The Crown tail has fins where the ends of the rays extend past the webbing of each of the three main fins and as such the shape resembles that of a crown. Whichever variety of Betta Splendens you do ultimately decide on may just depend on what you can source in your area. Therefore do you research thoroughly and remember if you can't find what you're looking for in your area, it is possible to buy Bettas from quality Breeders through the mail. This is the exciting part and there are many accepted and effective ways of going about this. So you can imagine, sourcing a breeder that if helpful and informative can be just as important and selecting the right Bettas. This is where the value of quality research will come into play. There are many aspects to breeding Bettas successfully and many areas where novice breeders can trip themselves up. If you can master breeding Bettas on a small scale then you will be well positioned to then expand your operation to a larger scale.

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