"Tropical Fish Keeping"," There is a huge range of fish that you are able to keep successfully with a little effort. There is a lot to learn when you first start keeping fish and the simpler you can keep the process to start off with the better. Salt effects water quality in its own unique way and it is far easier to start with freshwater fish. If you do you will simply spend the next few years reading books and websites and never actually get round to starting your first aquarium, and that would be a shame because this is an extremely rewarding and relaxing hobby. In this day and age, that is probably not a bad thing. Most fish can adjust to a fairly wide range of water conditions without them experiencing any problems. When you first start our try to stick to the easier fish. They also tend to be cheaper than other fish and are still very attractive coming in a wide variety of shapes and colours. Nitrates are always present in aquariums for the simple reason that fish waste is converted into nitrates through the nitrogen cycle. What you will soon discover is that tropical fish keeping is more about water keeping than anything else. Make my day click this

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