Considering a Home Freshwater Aquarium?"," How many times have you personally crossed paths with a gorgeous setup and stood there, admiring its beauty, thinking ""I've always wanted a home freshwater aquarium. The real truth of the matter is that maintaining a 40 or 50 gallon fish tank is much, much simpler than that old goldfish bowl, and may even take less time! One of the first road blocks a burgeoning aquatic hobbyist encounters on their first visit to the fish store is the realization that there are positively hundreds of different types of fish tanks to choose from. Then we realize that this is just the tank - there is still the lighting, filtration, heating, and don't forget the fish! It can indeed be overwhelming; your choices range from the basic fish bowl we discussed earlier to the modern hi-tech (and costly), self-contained automated ecosystems. My suggestion to you is don't get overwhelmed, take it slowly; start by visiting several local fish stores and spend some time talking to the staff. First spend some time with the fish tanks themselves, get a feel for the size and design that catches your eye, make a note of the dimensions so you can walk around the house later and plan the perfect spot to put this new aquarium. You'll want to collect information on the following: The adult size of the fish species, males and females are often different sizes. Its preferred native environment - murky shallows, fast running streams, river deltas, and so forth. Be sure to go back and review your list with that enthusiastic store clerk before you leave, first hand information is invaluable. If you are opting for a community aquarium, it is imperative that you only put fish together that can survive in the same aquarium - this means the same social ranking, water temperature and pH levels; if you don't, both you and your fish will be seriously unhappy! Once you have a pretty good idea of what you're after, you need to get the aquarium and the equipment to go with it. Too often a hobbyist with a complete setup, sometimes even including the fish, has lost interest or is moving and can't take their aquarium with them - their loss is your gain. Make my day click here

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