"The Best Times For Fishing - Figuring Out the Best Fishing Times"," In this article I'm going to discuss the factors that affect fish, so we can determine the best times for fishing. Small changes in water temperature can cause fish to not only move from one area to another, but can also cause them to change water depths. Many times fish will move along ""breaks"" in the surface temperature, where warmer and colder water meets. fifty to sixty five degrees is considered ""optimal"" for many fish species. When the weather changes the barometric pressure changes, and fish detect these changes with their lateral lines (that run along the sides of most fishes bodies). Another factor that determines the best times for fishing is the moon, or more specifically the phases of the moon. For example, did you know that fish are much more active during new moon phases? As anglers our goal should be to learn the simple rules surrounding these factors so that we can be on the water fishing at ""the most opportune"" times, thus tipping the odds into our favor. Trying to time your fishing trips so that one or all of the above factors are in your favor will make a huge difference in the number of bites you get. I know from experience that the above conditions play a huge role in determining the best times for fishing. Make my day click HERE

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