"How to Start a Saltwater Aquarium"," Many have ventured into this pursuit with a significant number of them failing.
Being ready for a saltwater aquarium does not only denote the will of the budding aquarist.
It is never good to start a saltwater aquarium half-prepared.
This came as an adaptation to avoid predators and detect prey.
This will help you find what type of saltwater aquarium will be best for you.
You want a reef aquarium with a pair of fishes, a couple of plants, and an invertebrate.
Let us start with the fishes.
Most of the time, they have established territories and hiding places.
What you will need is, at the very least, 5 gallons of water for every inch of fish.
' The best bet for most fishes is 55 gallons.
Now, you want another fish.
A lot of differing fishes live together in the same niche; therefore, territories overlap.
' Putting fishes of the same species in a single tank will yield disastrous results.
Have this in mind every time you want to add a fish in your tank.
Plants are quite simple creatures.
Proper lighting means about three to five watts of lighting per gallon of water in your tank.
Give them lighting lesser than three watts per gallon and the plants stop synthesizing and start withering.
Oxygenation not only helps your fishes breathe but also encourages the nitrification process.
If you really want one (or a couple) you will need calcium supplements as they need this to make their exoskeletons.
They are also very sensitive to low pH levels and may die if unaided.
The next part of being ready is getting prepared for any challenge that will come along.
Be prepared for those and you are set to start your very own saltwater aquarium.

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