Rosy Barb - Barbus conchonius (Family: Cyprinidae)
The rosy color is only visible when the fish is ready to breed and goes away after spawning so its name is a bit misleading.
This then decreases in intensity to an olive color on the sides to silver underneath.
The Barbus genus has quite a few species and many can be found in the aquarist's aqaurium.
This horizontal band has another one on top, but lighter in shade.
The male is longer than the female and can grow up to 8.
The female of the species is thicker in its body and has a higher back.
A breeding trap may be useful.
Put the female in the breeding tank a day before the male.
Note that the plants and the eggs that have been fertilized should be transferred to another breeding tank if you have not used a breeding trap.
It will behave quite well in a community tropical fish tank that should be covered.
Water should be at the usual tropical fish temperature and amongst the dried foods you should give it some live food regularly.
It is difficult to identify the sex of the fishes but the female has a thicker body than the male.
It will be seen as an achievement of you can get them to breed in your aquarium.
As all the eggs are laid over a long period spawning takes quite a while.
Surviving fry should be fed infusoria and then small live food.
It ia also called the Marbled hatchet fish.
The name comes from the fact that its caudal fin, the bottom part, has a shape like a sword.
Due to breeding there are now 'sailfins', double swords' and 'albinos'.
A water temperature of 20 to 25 degrees centigrade, a big tank to display their swimming abilities and a cover as it also has a good jumping ability.
The male can reach a length of 8cm and the female up to 12 cms (not counting the sword).
These fish will eat their young so a breeding trap is essential and feeding them only on live food will reduce their cannibalistic behavior.
Feed them tubed food and move on to finely sieved dried food.

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