"Goldfish - No Longer Restricted to Royalty"," Goldfish are minimally territorial, so if your aquarium is already too small for one fish, it will certainly be too small for two or more.
Goldfish are first raised in bowls indoors, allowing for the selection of mutations that might have gone unnoticed in a pond environment.
They are social and can display schooling behavior when kept with the same goldfish for longer periods.
Goldfish are similar to carp in many respects other than appearance.
They are not a delicate fish as some other fish might be, they can survive in water that has some amount of waste or pollution in the water, but of course to a limit.
They come in a variety of colors including red, orange/gold, white, black and yellow or 'lemon' goldfish.
It can be kept in outdoor ponds throughout the year with similar care but they may become sluggish and stop feeding in the winter.
They are hardy creatures that can survive even in less than optimal conditions
The common goldfish are the species most raised in water gardens around the world.
Breeding often results in up to 1,000 eggs, with fry hatching in 5-6 days.
They are fairly intelligent creatures and will remember the person who feeds them regularly and will remember associations.

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