"Discus Tropical Fish - Important Tips For Purchasing Your Discus"," These Cichlids are known for being difficult to keep but with knowledge and perseverance you will be rewarded with a beautiful aquatic hobby.
Do your homework.
Have the right size tank set up and the water ready.
Importers/dealers that deal only with Discus are generally quite knowledgeable with good selections.
You can also go to your local aquatic stores but the selection and quality of Discus may be limited.
This is probably the cheapest alternative but the fish may be smaller than you would like.
Do not buy your Discus fish on impulse.
Make sure they are alert, not hiding in the back of the tank, and that they are not breathing heavily or out of one gill.
The fish waste in the bottom of the tank should be black, not white, stringy or clear.
Healthy Discus will respond quickly to the food.
Ask the dealer about the Discus history.
An honest dealer should be able to talk openly and knowledgeably about the history of the Discus fish you are considering.

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