"How to Keep Angel Fish in Your Aquarium"," The most favorite of them all is the angelfish.
Of the three categories of angelfish Pterophyllum scalare is the most famous among fish keepers.
It grows to a length of around six inches and is absolutely stunning.
If you want to have angelfish, get six or eight of them.
Do not choose fish which are fully grown.
If you already have a home aquarium and are thinking about adding angelfish to it then you should add three to four fish at one time.
These fish are very active and hence need a lot of space to swim and play around.
They maintain a very social profile and want to hang out in groups.
Notice how they communicate with other fish and decide if the fish are friendly or not.
This is because they are mostly found in a good mood.
So when the breeding season comes, you should take out the angelfish and put them in a separate tank

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