"Something Fishy"," Some people may be put off by the idea of having to clean up poo or be woken up by loud squawking every morning, but your choice of pet doesn't necessarily have to be something cuddly that you can play catch with or teach to talk.
Not only are fish therapeutically pleasing and interesting animals, but they can be very easy to look after and maintain.
I have been keeping fish since my childhood years and have learnt a great deal regarding what to get and how to look after my fishy friends.
Starting off small is not necessarily easier and once you get into such a hobby (and your fish grow) you will want to upgrade, which can be a mission and comes at a cost.
A fish tank stand is a good idea and ensures that the tank will rest at a comfortable eye-level.
You don't want to have to scrap away algae in order to have a good look at who is inside. get a Plecostumus or algae eater.
It's best to have sections of both soft and coarse gravel substrate.
Once your tank is filled up with de-chlorinated water and you have finished creating your own underwater Eden, there is a short waiting period to endure.
Your local pet store will provide you with instructions on how to do this correctly.
It is also very important to research each tropical fish species beforehand to understand their needs and requirements.
However, I can recommend the following families as good fishy pets for the beginner: Corydoras, Gouramis, Loaches, Black Ghost Knife fish, Ramirezis, algae eaters and Tetras, and try to always keep a plecostumus in the tank. I have always had one in all my tanks and I swear by them, they keep the tank free of algae and left over food, and get along with most other tropical fish.

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