"Betta Splendens - The Ultimate Tropical Fish"," This Siamese Fighting-Fish is from the Mekong river basin in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia (South-East Asia).
In nature, this species males have shorter fins that those we usually see in shops, these are called by the Thai ""Plakad"" (meaning- ""Fighter""), and are used in Thailand for show-fights (just like roosters).
These males are more aggressive than long-finned males, but they are less susceptible to infectious diseases and have faster ability to recover after fights.
More appreciated tail forms are the Round-tail, Fantail, and Delta-tail.
Double-tail has a long dorsal fin, and their caudal fin is variably divided to two lobes.
Crown-tail is a Comb-tail with equal and symmetric lengths of fin rays and soft tissue.
This is a fin form, appearing mostly on Delta-tails, in which the caudal fin is spread to 180o, while flaring.
Aside from tail forms, these fish come in all colors and patterns.
The first color strain produced was called Cambodian, with clear-pinkish body and red fins.
Then comes the Bi-colors, mostly Cambodian's and Iridescent with red or yellow washes on their fins.
Patterns have also developed, from the ""solid"" regulars, we've got to Variegated-fins (the most appreciated is the known Butterfly), and Marbled (which can change their color patterns throughout their life).
By looking at all the colors, patterns and tail and fin forms, it is easy to see why this fish is probably one of the most known and popular freshwater fish.
The fish is mostly accustomed to dry commercial foods, so will have no problem with these foods- make sure it is mainly meaty foods.
Males and females are aggressive towards each other.
Males will always fight over territory and might kill one another.
In large aquariums these fish need good filtration system with low to moderate water flow.
When kept in a jar, water should be changed every week- the amount of water changed, depends on the jar's volume.
It is said to help preventing infectious diseases and getting the fish into breeding-mood.
This Betta species is a Bubble-nest builder.
There are two popular ways to breed the Siamese Fighting-fish- in an aquarium specially set for the pair, which should be at a volume of at least 20 liters (5.
In any of these ways, the fish must be conditioned well before introducing the pair.
Conditioning should take about two weeks at least, and can take up to one month, depending on the food quality and water temperature.
If floating plants are not available, you can use a halved Styrofoam-cup.
4-86oF/ 301-303oK), and it is advisable to place a tight fitting glass-cover on top, so that the air above water will be hot and humid.
Once the male has built his bubble-nest, he will start courting the female.
The last sign usually appears after the female is released, so seeing it isn't obligatory before introducing the pair.
Once the male and females are ready to spawn the female will follow the male under the nest, where he will wrap her with his body.
After several embraces, the male will freeze in the embraces, and the pair will stay still for a couple of seconds.
Some females will collect the eggs after ""awaking"" and will place the m in the nest, others simply eat them.
After mating is complete, the male usually attacks the female and chases her away; this is a good time to remove her from the breeding set-up.
After about 48 more hours, the fry start swimming freely, at this point, remove the male as well.
First foods which are suitable for fry as small as these, are Infusorians (mostly Paramecium), Green-water, Powdered dry foods and liquid fry foods.
The fry should be fed about two to three times a day, be careful not to over feed them, as ammonia is the second fry killer (first is hunger).
Make sure you change the water frequently, using a gentle siphon.
you will be able to tell the males apart; their ventral fins will look pointier and larger, and they are mostly more aggressive.

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