"Freshwater Tropical Fish-Mollies and Guppies"," These fish are livebearers meaning that instead of laying eggs, they give birth to a little tiny fish and they are, in fact, quite easy to breed even for a novice aquarist.
These fish are fairly hearty and will withstand adversity and conditions well so if you make a mistake you can have a good chance of you for surviving.
There are two general types of Mollies to choose from the Sail fin and the short finned.
This Sail fins are much larger than have a striking shape but are harder to care for.
If your finish tank does not have a lot of algae you'll want to also supplement their diet with spirulina flakes.
other fish that will coexist good in a fish tank with mollies include the Plecostomus, Swordtails, Angelfish, Corydoras, Catfish, Silver Tip Tetras, Red Serapes and Black Skirts.
Fancy Guppies
The male fancy guppy is beautiful with a long flowing tail light comes in a variety of beautiful colors - golds, greens, blues, Reds, blacks.
Many people love the guppy is a freshwater tropical fish and keep tanks with several copies in them which really maximizes the beauty of their colors as they swim in a school.
On the whole, guppies are pretty easy to keep that you can feed them floating flake food supplemented with frozen brine tramp or freeze dried blood worms.
You can also keep Neon Tetras, ghost shrimp, glass fish, gouramis, dwarf frogs and catfish.
Both mollies in guppies will do better if you add a little bit of marine salt to your freshwater fish tank - just one tablespoon for every 5 gallons should do.

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