"Fish - Temperature Guide For Tropical Fish Tanks"," Along with chemistry, you also need to keep temperature at the desired temperature range needed for your fish.
Close attention to keeping your temperature in the right range will ensure you have a thriving freshwater aquarium.
Most people who operate tropical fish aquariums will keep their tanks at a constant 77 degrees.
You need to be sure that the fish you put in your tank prefer the same temperature.
So mixing Goldfish with freshwater tropical fish will not lead to a successful conclusion.
Temperature to low will expose your fish to diseases by stressing them out.
When To Raise The Temperature
There is a time when you will want to raise the water temperature of your aquarium.
Another time you may want to raise it is if your fish develop the disease Ick.
To help cure Ick you should raise your tanks temperature to 80 degrees.
For example, if you need to raise your waters temperature from 77 to 80 degrees to combat Ick, the change in temperature should be done over a two-day period.
I found the best way to do this is to fill up your replacement water with hot tap water, let it sit overnight and then slowly add the new water.
If you are thinking about or all ready have a tropical freshwater aquarium, the temperature should be kept at 77 degrees.

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